Optimization of procurement logistics
More than cost reduction

Procurement logistics is one of the most important elements in your company’s value creation network. Regarding the procurement of goods and preliminary product,s cost considerations are crucial. But low purchase prices touch just one facet of ConMoto projects that optimize your procurement logistics. Supply quality, flexibility and reliability are other aspects – as well as transport and storage costs or stock management.

A comprehensive perspective on connecting to production logistics

Issues in procurement logistics can lead to supply bottlenecks, failures or even production downtime. Therefore, risk management for all logistics processes in procurement is an essential part of all optimization approaches. ConMoto provides you with detailed analyses and works with you to set up your procurement organization: rely your production on material supply at the perfect time, in the right quantity and adequate quality. The achieved improvements are reflected in definite key figures:

  • Reduction of lead times
  • Reduction of logistics costs
  • Reduction of non-conformity costs
  • Reduction of capital lockup costs
  • Reduction of stock by: JIT – just in time & JIS – just in sequence supply for your production